When Andre first connected with United Way of Frederick County in 2022 through Wells House, he wasn’t quite ready to embark on the journey to reliable transportation and further his financial stability. Life was challenging—he relied on a bike with no brakes to get around, and transportation to work was a constant worry. But in May 2024, everything changed when Andre called 211 and began using the Ride United Network (RUN) through the 211-concierge platform.
For six months, RUN became Andre’s trusted partner, providing him with 204 rides covering a total of 399 miles. This service saved him $2,521.27, ensuring he could get to work, appointments, and essential errands without financial strain. During this time, United Way of Frederick County reached out to Andre and introduced him to the Pathway to Transportation program. Andre felt a renewed sense of hope and determination.
Under the guidance of United Way of Frederick County, Andre participated in Credit Café and Budget Coaching, gaining valuable skills in financial literacy. “I learned so much about my credit report and how to navigate it,” Andre shared. “It’s a process, but I’m slowly applying what I’ve learned to my life.” With encouragement from Joyce, the Director of Operations, and support from the program, Andre completed Pathway to Transportation and, soon after, achieved his goal of owning a reliable vehicle.
Having his own car has transformed Andre’s life in profound ways. He now spends every weekend with his son, taking him swimming, to parks, and even to their favorite monthly workshops at Home Depot. “I see my family so much more now,” Andre said. “I feel extremely blessed to have these moments.”
Andre also enjoys peaceful drives alone, using the time to meditate, pray, and set personal goals. Simple tasks like grocery shopping have become easier, and he’s opening doors to opportunities he never thought possible.
When asked what advice he would give to others considering the program, Andre was emphatic: “Do it and don’t hesitate. Ask questions. It isn’t difficult—you can do it. The people are great, and they’ll help you every step of the way. Just speak up and let them know you need help.”
From overcoming transportation struggles to reclaiming his independence, Andre’s journey exemplifies how United Way of Frederick County’s programs empower individuals to achieve lasting change and grow in their journey towards financial stability. His story is a testament to the power of resilience, community, and the right support at the right time.