What does United Way of Frederick County do?
United Way of Frederick County (UWFC) fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in the Frederick County community. Specifically, UWFC supports ALICE (Asset, Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) households. ALICE households are hardworking families who do not have sufficient income to meet Frederick County's high cost of living. UWFC emphasizes its role as a community change organization that works across the county to leverage financial, volunteer, and advocacy resources to improve people's lives.
Why give to United Way of Frederick County?
By giving to UWFC, the donor is investing in a locally-managed, respected, trusted and transparent community resource that brings health, education and financial stability to ALICE households. UWFC is guided by a strategic plan that calls for growing investment in the convergence of its focus areas. Priority investments will be made in projects and programs that have evidence-based, measurable outcomes in health, educational and financial stability. Investment decisions are made by trained volunteers and approved by UWFC's volunteer Board of Directors. UWFC is accountable to its contributors. Each year, UWFC produces an annual report that describes its successes and challenges.
What is the United Way campaign?
UWFC runs an annual worplace campaign in which donors make a monetary gift to UWFC to be proactively invested in local projects in response to the community's most urgent needs. For those employees who have access, the workplace campaign is a convenient way to contribute directly from payroll. Contributions are tax-deductible pending any individual limitations. When an employee participates in a workplace giving campaign, one can choose to make a donation:
- through payroll deduction
- by cash or check as a one-time amount
- by using any major credit card
How does payroll deduction work?
When an employee chooses to make a United Way donation through a payroll deduction, the appropriate amount is taken out of each paycheck each pay period. Those funds are accumulated by the employer then distributed to United Way of Frederick County for gift distribtuion as indicated by each contributor.
How much should I give?
Some contributors may be comfortable with making an annual gift of $1,000 or more. Others may find it optimal to make a smaller annual contribution. Many elect to give 1% of their annual salary or the equivalent of one hour's pay per month, which makes for a generous and affordable gift. No matter how large or small, every gift is important, and 100% of your contribution stays right here in the Frederick County community.
Suggested giving guide for your annual gift: (Contributions may be made in any amount)
If I live in Frederick County but work somewhere else, how can I give to United Way of Frederick County through my employee campaign?
If an employee works outside of Frederick County, then the employee may:
- Designate United Way of Frederick County, Maryland in the appropriate space on the United Way pledge card. Unless you actively designate your funds to Frederick County, Maryland, they will automatically go to the county in which campaign is being conducted.
- Contribute directly to United Way of Frederick County at www.uwfrederick.org.
Where does the money go once United Way receives it?
Funds supporting UWFC's local programming stays in Frederick County to benefit the Frederick County community. UWFC is focused on supporting the community through health, educational and financial stability projects/programs. Local dollars = local solutions.
How does United Way of Frederick County determine how much money agencies receive?
United Way of Frederick County's funding for eligible organizations focuses on the convergence of health, education and financial stability. Priority programs are those that have evidence-based outcomes simultaneously in health, education and financial stability. Grant requests are reviewed by UWFC volunteers comprised of its board members and other community leaders.
Who runs United Way of Frederick County?
United Way of Frederick County is local, independent, and autonomous. UWFC is governed by a local Board of Directors, comprised of individuals who live and/or work in Frederick County, MD. Strategic activities and day-to-day operations are performed by a qualified, professional staff.
Who serves on United Way of Frederick County's Board of Directors?
United Way of Frederick County's Board of Directors is composed entirely of volunteers who serve without any compensation. Community leaders, business persons, entrepreneurs, bankers, insurance and investment professionals, retirees, and employees of local government, media, and academic institutions donate their time and resources to UWFC in the effort to build a stronger, healthier, and more sustainable community.
What is United Way of Frederick County's relationship with United Way Worldwide or other United Way's in the country?
United Way of Frederick County is not an affiliate or chapter of any other organization. However, it does pay nominal annual dues to its trade association, United Way Worldwide (UWW) in exchange for access to training and administrative resources. UWW serves approximately 1,400 local, autonomous United Ways across the United States, providing training opportunities and a service center for sharing ideas and resources. In addition, UWW negotiates relationships with nationwide corporations, allowing the local United Ways to work more efficiently and effectively, helping local dollars to go farther.