Interested in Donating Your Cryptocurrency to Support Local ALICE Households? Now You Can!
Donating crypto is not only beneficial to your community, but may also be strategic for you. In addition to supporting the nearly 40% of Frederick County families who cannot afford a basic cost of living, you may receive a federal income tax deduction equal to the full fair market value and avoid paying capital gains tax on an appreciated asset.
Step-By-Step Guide to Making Your Crypto Donation
- Click HERE or the blue "Donate Now" button on this page and you will be redirected to Crypto For Charity by FreeWill's donation site.
- In the first box labeled "Choose a nonprofit or cause", please type "United Way of Frederick County" and select our name.
- Next, choose your coin and desired donation amount.
- In the "Message to nonprofit (e.g. area of intent)" box, you may enter a specific program or area of our work to designate your gift. You may also use this box to designate to another nonprofit (see drop-down below for instructions).
- Follow the remaining prompts and click "Continue" at the bottom of the page.
- On the next screen, copy the address and use it as your destination wallet to complete the donation.
- After completing the donation, come back to the screen with your destination wallet address and click "Done" at the bottom of the page.
- That's it! Thank you for donating your cryptocurrency to support local ALICE families!
How does this work?
Your donation goes to FreeWill's affiliated 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity, FreeWill Impact Fund (EIN: 86-1218871) — that's where your tax receipt will come from. Then, your donation is converted/sold to USD and 100% of the net proceeds of your gift are distributed to United Way of Frederick County.
Are there transaction fees attached to my donation?
No! FreeWill does not charge transaction fees so 100% of your gift is distributed to United Way of Frederick County to support programs serving local ALICE households.
What will be the dollar value of the donation?
The value of your donation will be indicated in the tax receipt, and will correspond to the exchange rate at the moment we converted your gift to USD. This usually happens within 10 minutes of receiving your gift, and this is when the tax receipt is sent.
Can I designate my donation to another nonprofit organization?
Yes! See the dropdown below for complete instructions.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
Please contact Erin Lawson, Manager of Resource Development, at elawson@uwfrederick.org with any questions.
Not all nonprofits are set up to accept donations of cryptocurrency. United Way of Frederick County can help!
If you'd like to designate your cryptocurrency donation to another nonprofit, please enter the name and EIN of the organization you are designating your gift to in the "Message to nonprofit (e.g. area of intent)" box.
When designating to another nonprofit organization, it is important to select "Yes" when asked "Will you let this charity know who you are?". This allows us to contact you if we have any questions about your designation to ensure your gift is designated properly.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Erin Lawson at elawson@uwfrederick.org.