RUN provides discounted rides to ALICE families in Frederick County.
United Way's ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Report shows that transportation is a major issue for working families. Transportation is the critical link between work, home, medical appointments, self-care, healthy food and educational opportunities as described in Ausherman Family Foundation's There and Back Again: Transportation Choice in Frederick County, MD.
RUN, the Ride United Network, is designed to provide flexible transportation options to local ALICE families.
For any questions regarding RUN, please contact Serena Balassi at sbalassi@uwfrederick.org or by phone at 301-663-4231, ext. 6.
RUN is an initiative to help overcome transportation barriers in Frederick County. This rideshare program offers free or discounted rides to ALICE individuals and families not served by Transit, as well as to those most vulnerable seeking services from the nonprofit community. Acceptable ride uses are access to a library, vaccinations and testing, including access to at-home test kit, food access, employment, education, economic stability programs, healthcare and legal needs.
RUN is a tool in the transportation toolbox for ALICE households on the Pathway to Financial Stability.
RUN Ride United, in partnership with 2-1-1, Ride Providers and thanks to generous funding from United Way Worldwide, Ausherman Family Foundation and Frederick County Government, is addressing these transportation needs for individuals and their families in Frederick County.
For questions about the Ride United program, contact Landen Lombardo at llombardo@uwfrederick.org.
Rides are currently provided to those receiving services by a Ride Provider. For all eligible rides, which include food access, healthcare, education, employment, legal services, and accessing economic support (e.g. SNAP, affordable housing, etc.), a person must be actively working with one of our partner agencies. To find out whether the agency you are working with is our partner agency, please contact your case manager.
RUN Ride Providers engage the community in a unique and important service. They are providing ALICE individuals and families with critical flexible transportation options for seniors, youth, veterans, rural trips and to mitigate impaired driving.
Current Ride Providers are:
- Asian American Center
- City Youth Matrix
- Heartly House
- Partners in Care Frederick County
- SOAR -- Supporting Older Adults through Resources
- Safe Ride Foundation
- The Ranch
- United Way of Frederick County
We believe that access to libraries is essential in any community and we understand transportation to a library can sometimes be a challenge for ALICE households in Frederick County. The Ride United program exists to provide transportation to our community's outstanding services and institutions.
IMPORTANT: Beginning July 9, riders may access the following libraries using Ride United: Brunswick, Point of Rocks, Thurmont, Emmitsburg, Myersville, Middletown, and Urbana. Use of Transit is encouraged to visit C. Burr Artz and Walkersville libraries located on public transit routes.
Simply call 211 to get your ride.
You may also call 866-411-6803 to reach the Frederick call center directly.
We believe that no veteran in Frederick County should miss access to services or employment due to lack of transportation. Therefore, United Way is making free or discounted rides available to anyone with military service history regardless of discharge status. Rides can be accessed for six major areas of need: food access, employment, education, economic stability, health, legal needs, and library access.
Simply call 211 to get your ride.*
You may also call 866-411-6803 to reach the Frederick call center directly.
Thank you for your service!
* Riders may be asked for dates of military service and/or an electronic copy of your active military ID (e.g. CAC or Uniformed Military ID) or retired military ID – regardless of discharge status (e.g. DD214). To confirm your veteran status, you may submit your ID verification here.
* Free or discounted rides are based on starting location and destination, and some restrictions may apply.
* Drivers may not have access to Fort Detrick due to base security restrictions. Solutions are being developed to provide more liable base access.
* Riders are eligible for up to SIX (6) rides per week.
Free and Discounted Rides Available to Anyone Receiving a Vaccine! Now available for trips to testing sites and to purchase at-home test kits. VACCINE RIDES ARE AVAILABLE FOR ALL ELIGIBLE AGES AND FOR BOOSTERS! Minors ages 17 and younger must be accompanied by an adult.
Simply Call 211 for a ride!
You may also call 866-411-6803 to reach the Frederick call center directly.
Click Here to support RUN!
The Ride United Network brings affordable transportation to veterans and other eligible ALICE households. Here are a few frequently asked questions to help provide the best possible service:
How do I schedule a free or discounted ride?
Free and discounted rides are available by calling 2-1-1 for veterans, vaccines and testing, and library access. All other riders should contact their partner nonprofit agency. If the nonprofit does not have access to ride codes, then they can contact Landen at llombardo@uwfrederick.org.
Free rides sound too good to be true. How is this program possible?
Indeed, it is possible and it is available! United Way of Frederick County has developed partnerships with contributors and sponsors to make the technology and funding available for free/discounted rides in Frederick County.
How long will the program be available?
The Ride United Network will be in existence as long as funding is available to support it.
Can I use the program multiple times?
There is no rule against a single rider using Ride United Network multiple times. However, there are limitations of rides available so total ride capacity may be limited.
Are there limitations?
Yes, there are limitations. Limitations include, but may not be limited to:
- Rider must be an ALICE household as defined by the ALICE Report or an individual with military service history.
- The ride must originate in Frederick County. Rides starting in other counties will be declined.
- Rides are free or discounted up to the value of each promo-code. Any remaining cost beyond the value of the promo-code is passed on to the rider.
- Rides are available for the following case uses: anyone with military service history regardless of discharge status, food access, employment, education, economic stability, access to the nearest library, health and legal needs
- Rides for vaccinations and testing
- Rider must be 18 years of age or older, or must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
What are surge rates and how do I avoid them?
A "surge" rate is when a commercial ride share company increases rates in high demand periods or when there are not many drivers. Surges do occur in Frederick County, especially in rush hour periods and at night or in the morning. Surge rates can often be avoided by simply waiting for the surge to go away. In other words, if you try to schedule a ride and the rate is too high, then simply wait for it to change. For this reason, we encourage all riders to start scheduling early.
What if I need help in and out of the car?
When booking your ride, please let the 211 call taker know you need assistance. You can also ask the driver for assistance. Most drivers are more than happy to help!
Can drivers access Fort Detrick?
Some drivers may have clearance to enter through Fort Detrick gates; however, it's likely that many will not. We are actively working on solutions to this issue.
What do I do if my ride is canceled or doesn't show up?
If you are using a smartphone app, please reschedule your ride using the app. If 211 scheduled your ride for you, contact 211 by phone as soon as you are aware of an issue.
Do I have to tip the driver?
No, tips are completely voluntary.
Do I need to bring anything on my ride?
If you have small children, you will need car seats and/or booster seats for their safety during the ride. Drivers rarely provide car seats. Nothing else is required but, if you have a cell phone, it'll be helpful to have it with you.
What if I need help with my bags, walker, or wheelchair?
When booking your ride, please let the 211 call taker know you need assistance. You can also ask the driver for assistance. Most drivers are able to help. Note that not all cars are equal and some have more storage capacity than others. If the driver does not have room, 211 can order you another car.