Save the Date: Stuff the Bus will be collecting school supplies from June 17-July 30!
Each year, United Way of Frederick County works with local community partners to collect donations of school supplies to provide students with the supplies they need to start the school year. The goal of United Way's Stuff the Bus program is to ensure that students in Frederick County have the tools and support they need to learn.
Have questions or want to find out how you can host a school supply collection? Contact Joyce Kwamena-Poh at jkwamenapoh@uwfrederick.org.
100% of your contributions will support Stuff the Bus!
Here are some examples of what your donations purchase:
$15 buys pencils, markers, and crayons for one kindergarten student
$30 supports one elementary student with basic supplies
$50 provides a middle school student with basic supplies and notebooks/binders
$100 buys a high school student basic supplies and some of the required learning tools
Stuff the Bus is made possible thanks to our sponsors!
Platinum Level
Bronze Level
Please visit any of the businesses below to drop off new, unused school supplies:
- ACNB Bank (all Frederick County locations)
- Adamstown Community Church
- City of Frederick
- Common Market (7th Street and Buckeystown Pike locations)
- Dancing Bear Toys
- DeLeon & Stang, CPAs and Advisors
- Dublin Roasters Coffee
- Dynamic Automotive
- Everything Frederick
- First United Bank & Trust (all Frederick County locations)
- Fulton Bank
- The Goddard School of Frederick
- HeartFields Assisted Living
- Jim Bass Group of Real Estate Teams
- Kaiser Permanente
- KinderCare (Taney Avenue location)
- Krispy Kreme Frederick
- Literacy Council of Frederick County
- M&T Bank (all Frederick County locations)
- Manpower
- Maxwell's Burgers and Shakes
- McLaughlin Family Chiropractic
- Mental Health Association
- The Pediatric Center of Frederick
- Pure Barre Frederick
- Rich Ropp Group with Real Estate Teams
- Roy Rogers
- Seton Center Family Store
- Sport Clips Haircuts (all Frederick County locations)
- Spring Ridge Chiropractic
- Staples (all Frederick County locations)
- Texas Roadhouse
- Truist (all Frederick County locations)
- Wegmans
- Woodsboro Bank (all locations)
- Zamora's Auto Body
This year's school supply drive will take place from June 17 - July 30.
If your business would like to host a collection, please complete this interest form and a staff member from United Way will reach out to you.
Check out our Stuff the Bus flyer here and printable supply lists here, feel free to print and display in your business!
Elementary School Most Needed Items
- Glue Sticks
- Crayons
- Markers
- Dry Erase Markers
- Headphones (With Microphone)
- Composition Notebooks
- Two Pocket Folders
- Scissors
- Ziploc Bags
- Kleenex
- Pencil Boxes
- Pencils
- Pencil Sharpeners
- Backpacks
Middle School Most Needed Items
- Two Pocket Folders
- Loose Leaf Paper
- Spiral Notebooks
- Pens
- Pencils
- Markers
- Highlighters
- Colored Pencils
- Pencil Sharpeners
- Calculators
- Binders
- Rulers
- Backpacks
- Glue Sticks
- Headphones
- Composition books
- Scissors
- Dividers
High School Most-Needed Items
- College-Ruled Paper
- College-Ruled Notebooks
- Two Pocket Folders
- Pens
- Pencils
- Highlighters
- Colored Pencils
- Pencil Sharpeners
- Calculators
- Binders
- Rulers
- Backpacks
To find out how your child can get school supplies for the 2024-2025 school year, please find the appropriate contact for your child's feeder school system.
Note: This year, City of Frederick schools will receive pre-packed backpacks directly to the school rather than having a centralized distribution. ALL schools within the City of Frederick will distribute supplies directly from the school. There will NOT be a central City of Frederick distribution this year.
City of Frederick Schools: Supplies will be distributed at your child's school. Please contact the school for information on how and when they will distribute supplies received through Stuff the Bus.
Brunswick Feeder Schools (BEACON): brunswickbeacon21@gmail.com
Middletown Feeder Schools (Middletown Valley People Helping People): mvphpmd@gmail.com
Walkersville Feeder Schools (Glade Valley Community Services): christina.karszen@fcps.org
Catoctin Feeder Schools: caringind@aol.com
Linganore/New Market/Oakdale/Urbana Feeder Schools: TBD
Each year, United Way of Frederick County works with local partners to collect donations of school supplies to provide students with the supplies they need to start the school year.
Kids in our community need the tools and support to learn - now more than ever.
The goal of United Way's Stuff the Bus program is to ensure that every student in Frederick County has the tools and support they need to learn. This program provides students with the supplies they need to start the school year through generous donations from our community.
Have questions? Contact Joyce Kwamena-Poh at jkwamenapoh@uwfrederick.org.
Stuff the Bus wouldn't be possible without the generous local businesses who host school supply collection drives. We need your help to ensure every kid in our community has the supplies they need to succeed in school.
This year's school supply drive will take place from June 17 - July 30. On Monday, July 30th, 2024, several big yellow school buses will stop at participating local businesses in the community so their employees may Stuff the Bus with much needed new supplies for FCPS students.
If your business would like to host a collection, please complete this interest form and a staff member from United Way will reach out to you.
Thank you to our Stuff the Bus Partners!
Frederick Stake - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Feeder Schools/Distribution Centers: Brunswick, Catoctin, Frederick Area (FHS, GTJHS, THS), Linganore, Oakdale, Middletown, and Walkersville.
United Way is pleased to have so many outstanding community school supply distribution partners for the Stuff the Bus School Supply Drive. Frederick County Public Schools, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Brunswick Ecumenical Assistance Committee on Needs (BEACON), Middletown Valley People Helping People (MVPHP), Glade Family Community Services (GVCS), Catoctin Area partners, and Beyond Shelter help make Stuff the Bus a huge success.
In 2023, over 250 bins of supplies were collected and thousands of items were purchased with donor gifts. The school supplies collected were distributed to over 3000 Frederick County students.