United Way of Frederick County's partnerships create millions of dollars of annual community impact each year. Our role is to help companies develop and achieve their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals to achieve a stronger, more vibrant and prosperous community -- this is our SHARED PURPOSE!
Why participate in CSR programs?
- 79% of people prefer to work for a socially responsible company!
- 57% reduction in turnover among employees who engage in both volunteering and workplace giving!
- Studies show that employees who volunteer feel better emotionally, mentally and physically!
Partnering with United Way of Frederick County is an effective way to engage with the community, meet CSR goals and show the community that your company cares. Here are some opportunities available at United Way of Frederick County:
- Volunteer Programs: Improve employee morale and visibly meet CSR goals while making positive change happen! Volunteer opportunities range from Day of Action community projects, to Stuff the Bus, to year-round individualized volunteer project matching through our Volunteer Center.
- Workplace Giving Campaign: Support Frederick families by offering a United Way Workplace Giving Campaign. 39% of our neighbors struggle to make ends meet. You can be part of the solution by supporting health, education and financial stability initiatives that will ensure a better life. Studies show that companies that engage in volunteer activities and Workplace Campaigns have higher retention rates.
- Corporate Sponsorships: Leverage marketing dollars by financially sponsoring United Way of Frederick County events. All sponsorships come with benefits appropriate to the sponsorship level. Sponsorships range from $1,000 to $20,000 with corresponding benefits.
- Emerging Leaders United (ELU): Join young professionals in engaging, educating and empowering to create lasting change in Frederick County. ELU offers a mix of volunteerism, advocacy and philanthropy. Through volunteer service, social mixers and educational opportunities to advance positive community change, ELU brings individuals ages 21 through 40 together to Connect. Serve. Lead.
- Philanthropic Advice: Providing money to nonprofit organizations can be very difficult, expensive and time-consuming work, so let us help you. United Way of Frederick County can serve as the philanthropic arm of your organization. Drawing on substantial community knowledge and internal resources, we can provide a grant application platform, advice and information about how to achieve positive outcomes through corporate giving.
- Community Issues: Stay on top of the latest data and research on trends in Frederick County. As the content experts on ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) data, United Way of Frederick County can provide critical information about Frederick County's basic cost of living, community demographics and costs of financial hardship. This information can drive strategic compensation and community involvement decisions. United Way staff is available for consultations and presentations so each company can best support its employees and the local community.
For additional information about SHARED PURPOSE, please contact Ken Oldham at koldham@uwfrederick.org or 301-663-4231.