Workplace Giving Campaigns provide major support to working families in Frederick County. Companies who understand the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility often run Workplace Giving Campaigns. They understand that employee giving is a productive and fun way to support their community. They also understand that businesses that run Workplace Giving Campaigns experience a 57% reduction in employee turnover, especially when paired with a robust employee volunteerism program. Partnership between United Way of Frederick County and local businesses helps meet Corporate Social Responsibility goals while improving the Frederick County community. This partnership is our SHARED PURPOSE.
What are Workplace Giving Campaigns?
Whether a small business, a major corporation or even a non-profit organization, you can join the numerous local organizations that care about our community and invest in it through the annual United Way campaign. Holding a United Way campaign not only provides your employees with rewarding team building experiences, but it also gives your organization the opportunity to play a direct role in improving the lives of our neighbors.
What does it take to run a campaign?
Every workplace campaign is different and can be shaped around your organization’s culture. Some employees simply like to invest in our Prosperity Center programs through easy payroll deduction. Others like to also experience the impact of United Way’s work up close and personal by participating in our annual Day of Action and other volunteer opportunities or inviting United Way staff to speak at events or meetings on the state of ALICE in our community, United Way programs, and more.
Does United Way provide Workplace Giving Campaign resources?
YES! It is our privilege to support Workplace Giving Campaigns in Frederick County. Please see our Online Campaign Toolbox. Local United Way staff are always available to support Workplace Giving Campaigns. Our objective is to make campaigns both productive and fun! Just give us a call.
Setting up and running a campaign is simple, and we can help you every step of the way! If you have questions about how to host a workplace campaign, please contact Erin Lawson at elawson@uwfrederick.org or call (301) 663-4231.