Getting Ahead

Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin'-By-World is an internationally recognized 16-week program designed to help ALICE individuals build their resources for a better life.

ALICE individuals are anyone who struggles to afford basic necessities.

What is Getting Ahead?

  • Getting Ahead is a critical part of United Way of Frederick County's Pathway to Financial Stability.
  • Involves rigorous work done in a safe, kitchen-table style learning environment with the support of an experienced facilitator.
  • Enables participants, called “Investigators,” to examine their own experience of inadequate resources as well as explore issues in the community that impact success − banking, housing, jobs, transportation − providing critical information the community can use to take action to end the cycles of poverty.
  • Compensates Investigators for their time when they attend a weekly three-hour meeting.
  • Guides Investigators through an assessment of their own resources and how to build those resources as part of their move toward self-sufficiency.
  • Puts the concepts, tools and relationships in the hands of ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) individuals to make a difference in their own lives and in the life of their community.

Register today at the link below!

Questions? Please email Joyce Kwamena-Poh at



Getting Ahead is possible because of our partners:

Getting Ahead Partners

...and donors like you! Thank you!


Participants will investigate: 

  • The realities of conditions in their community and how they impact them
  • Some of the "hidden rules" for getting ahead
  • Skills that give them confidence to do what it takes to get ahead
  • How to build resources and make connections at home and at work
  • Ways to deal with change and create stability in their life
  • Meals provided
  • On-site child care
  • Self-Assessment
  • Develop various mental models
  • $25 participation stipend per session
  • Binder of course material
  • Community assessment
  • 100% participation requested
  • If needed, transportation to access workshops is available

Getting Ahead is funded in part by the Frederick County Office for Children and Families, home of the Local Management Board.

If you're interested in supporting the Getting Ahead program, please contact Erin Lawson at

Getting Ahead is currently looking for volunteers to join the team as Co-Facilitators! For more information on what this entails, check out the job description here

If interested in learning more, email

Are you interested in learning more about the framework that guides our Getting Ahead program, "Bridges Out of Poverty"? We would be happy to provide a training for you and/or your team! 

Please email for more information.

Already completed the Bridges Out of Poverty training with us? We'd love your feedback! Please complete the anonymous Post-Workshop Evaluation Form here